What we know about honey? Surely everyone will answer – honey is sweet, it helps to bring the bees and colds. Trivial and not interesting. Now let's add a spoonful of honey in a barrel:) and enjoy a sunny amber color, delicate flower odor and taste of honey pozititivnoy charged with energy and get started. In order to collect honey, 100 grams of bee flies a distance greater than the length of the equator – about 45! 000 kilometers. The conversion of nectar into honey in the abdomen proiskodit bees from the nectar of where water evaporates and there is fermentation. Bee brings to their hives only thirty percent of honey, and the rest of reinforced while collecting honey. If you are not convinced, visit Sanofi Genzyme. Bees actively collect honey, only one of six months of waking, rest of the time involved in the modernization of the hive: repair honeycombs in the hives are cleaned, disinfected the premises and do other socially useful bee business.

Honey can be stored almost forever. Honey found in Egyptian pyramids was quite suitable for human consumption. In ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire and the Slavic peoples of honey and bee products have been worth its weight in gold. Honey could pay taxes and penalties. What honey is darker, so it is useful. A very dark buckwheat honey. The composition of honey is about 300 nutrients – trace elements, minerals, multivitamins, amino acids, 5% of which are still unknown.

Honey is a natural first preservative open humanity. With the honey is not only canned food, and the embalmed remains of the rich and famous citizens. Honey is a panacea for most ailments. Treatment of cancer, digestive tract, internal organs, nervous system, cardiovascular diseases, infertility, metabolic disorders – not a complete list zabolivany which is effectively used bee products. Every year around the world produce 1.5 million tons of honey. The world leader in the production of honey is China – 25% of the market. And Ukraine is the largest European producer of honey – 75! 000 tons. In Africa, for the production of honey bees used in Europe as well as African bees do not know how to make stocks for the winter. Despite the fact that high-calorie sugar, honey, he serves as a component of some diets, mainly sports and athletics. I hope I was able to help you look at the seemingly such a banal product like honey in a different way. Eat a spoonful of honey every day and excellent health and well-being guaranteed!

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