Later, in 1992 Kotler it defines marketing as an activity directed human being to satisfy the desires of the individuals by means of the process of exchanges. Already the definition of the American Association Marketing (IT LOVES), defines Marketing of the following form: ' ' it is the process to plan and to execute the conception, establishments of prices, promotion and distribution of ideas, products and services in order to create exchanges that satisfy goals individual and organizacionais' '. In the hodiernos days we perceive that the marketing concept if extends, and engloba the construction of a satisfactory relationship in the long run, where the consumers acquire accurately what they desire and that they are qualified to buy. This new concept and also the importance is given by Kolter and Fox (1994, P. 24).
Marketing is a central activity of the modern institutions, growing in its search to take care of efficiently to some area of necessity human being. To survive and to become successful, the institutions must know its markets, attract enough resources, convert these resources into programs, services and ideas appropriate and to efficiently distribute them to some consuming public. These tasks are lead in a structure of voluntary action for all the interested people. The modern institution is made use mainly in offering and changing values with different participants to get its cooperation, and thus, to reach the organizacionais goals. As the definition, the marketing must is in all organizations, that is, it is not a tool of the administration directed only toward some companies more for whom they long for to grow and if to expand in the market. In this direction, Kotler and Keller (2006, P. 07), corroborate with us affirming that: Asseveram that the organizations work systematically to construct a solid and positive image in the mind of its public-target. For in such a way, they invest in propaganda of corporative identity.
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