Personal Website on the Internet today – it's not good, and not a luxury but a tool to either increase the efficiency of existing businesses or establish new one. To date, approximately 5% of Russians own a business in Internet, a large share of which – the Internet – shops. Portion of people use personal site-user to tell the users of the network about their products and services, and many banal 'sell' space site providing it with advertising links and banners. One way such a profit with your website is contextual advertising on the Internet. The principle of obtaining revenue through contextual advertising is very simple – the customer who wants to 'move' their goods on the Internet, for the agreed fee places your ad on the site, the subject of which coincides with the advertised product. At first glance, it's pretty simple, but there is one 'but': the site is used as an advertising platform, must be 'promoted', that is to have a good citation index and a large enough attendance.
Otherwise, few people would be interested in fit customer product. For this purpose optimizers by site promotion in search engines, which allows you to achieve a high ranking site and enhance its position in the results yielded by the search engines When users request. Search Engine Optimization Search Engine pursues the same goal. But the top position in the results of search engine results – not the main indicator of site popularity among users. The Web site may be high enough in the ranking system, but if he does not carry to the audience any useful information, inconvenient to use and has an 'unfriendly' interface, all users as one, will be held by him, paying no attention.
Therefore, to increase the number of visitors, it is recommended from time to time change the design of the site. Ideally, it should fit the theme of your web service, in fact, agree that an attractive and colorful designs in the style of 'art' is not quite suitable for a strict corporate website. Interest and attract regular visitors to the area of your web space also be able to upgrade sites. It will simplify the site if it's something overloaded expedite the registration process, but also provide a nice interface and the popular Flash-technology. Also, it is not forbidden, and even encouraged provide patrons a regular newsletter. Many go further and implement site-based electronic catalogs, chat rooms, forums, and online retailers. In other words, all that a user accidentally came to the site, was pleased. Of course, in order to properly and effectively work with the site, keeping it in a pretty condition for visitors and performing his optimization, you must have serious skills working with Internet technologies and know the basics of html. However, this should not deprive you of the possibility of owning a personal website. If you need help with pleasure can come to a special Internet service, the competence which includes designing and creating web sites, advice online, as well as technical support web sites. Through such services, administer the site, optimize it and generate income can anyone, even those without special skills.
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