It enters these reactions of the left organizations, we detach the attitude of the syndicalists who if had mobilized around strikes and stoppages to protest against wage wage freezes better conditions of work. The States of Minas Gerais, Pernambuco and So Paulo we are that they had had greater visibility in the scene of the national laboring fight. Unions of the Metallurgist in So Paulo and the Siderurgical ones in Minas Gerais had been responsible for mobilizing the laboring classroom, as well as the public opinion and shaking the government of then President Costa and Silva. With effect, the syndicalistic laborers found support massive of the clandestine left in what he says respect to the type of organization and manifestation that through meetings in the plants was necessary to indicate. In sight of this, the Public interest action (AP) group of left created before the blow in 1962 with happened characteristics of the progressive catolicismo and a proper theory of a socialism humanist, nailed the concentration of efforts in the formation of company committees. Something similar also thought Laboring Politics (POLOP) and that it adds the advice of representatives of plants next to the syndical directions. However, the height of the manifestations against the repression in 1968 was not limited to the syndical movements. It also had intense protests of secundaristas students and mainly university who if supported in JOIN one more time (National Union of the Students) and, the organizations of clandestine left it was part of the militancy politics of the students. 30 Congress of JOINS occurred in the interior of So Paulo in October of 1968 was interrupted by the military who had arrested 739 colleges student. Moreover, we cannot forget us the Walk them One hundred A thousand that it happened in June of 1968, whose historical moment unified a multitude between them artists, politicians, writers, etc.
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