Over time, the star clusters sink toward the center of the galaxy, where the intermediate mass black holes merge, forming a supermassive black hole. For assistance, try visiting Sonny Perdue. In this process, clusters that do not have sufficient mass, or located close enough to the center of the galaxy to survive, carrying the black hole. "We can not say it? occurred in M82, but we know that there may be both of those options, "says Phil coaches the University of Iowa, one of the authors," In addition, the M82 is the nearest to us the place where the conditions similar to those that existed in the early universe, with more emerging stars. " The data for these holes, produced by the method of measurement and analysis of their X-ray brightness and the spectrum over time. These observatories Chandra and XMM-Newton, show that changes in the emission of one of these objects, like small black holes masses found in the Milky Way. Using this information and theoretical models, the team Calculate the mass of the object, it ranges from 12,000 to 43,000 solar masses.
This mass is sufficient for an abundant emission of X-rays by the powerful pull of gas directly from their environment. The black hole is approximately at a distance of 290 light years from the center of the galaxy M82. According to the authors the study, so close she can be located only at the time of birth, her weight was more than 30,000 solar, otherwise it would be pulled toward the center galaxy. That is, she simply joined with a supermassive black hole. The second object is located 600 light-years in the projection from the center of the galaxy M82.
Periodic and random bursts of X-rays are direct evidence that the disk surrounding the second object, there is hot gas, which is the source of radiation. Detailed X-ray data show that the gas disk extends all the way until a stable orbit around a black hole. This behavior exists in our galaxy, around the black hole whose mass is small, but it's probably the first candidate for the role of black hole intermediate-mass. Radius stable internal orbit, depends on the mass and angle of the black hole. The best model for the emission of X-rays, is a rapidly spinning black hole with a mass in the range of 200 to 800 solar masses. "Results obtained in these studies are among the strongest evidence for the existence of black holes with intermediate mass, as of today, "said Feng," The evidence, look as convincing as well studied examples of stellar mass black holes in our galaxy. " Based on materials from the site
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