What if We can use them, in order to interact with young people at the technological level, in turn must imformarcen of new advances in science, tolerate young people in their future extravagances, not scolding by this move too far to the youth, and in turn creates resentments that culminate in contempt with the days, one of the solutions is trying to propose different points of view. In order to advise them the best without that young people perceive it .being loving with his family and little renegadores since the lamentation and the spirit of defeat causes the young unpleasant sensations such as nuisance and many others. In vejes it complaints can be avoided if you are looking of God serving him with measures work according to the capacity of the old one, with the above answer our first question, as us envejeceremos us is convenient to act this way. Being elderly’s quality. First and foremost I ask respect for elders good treatment and love of their weaknesses.
Young people seek wholeheartedly to God, that I can tell you that in vejes it is He lives and is received as we’ve lived in our youth. The word in Leviticus we recommend: in front of the reeds you wake, and honor the face of elder and thy God have fear I Jehovah. THE things secret if we observe for a moment the distances we humans attach to things, we will see how the near and far are everyday part of our lives, and the more often does not differentiate one of the other with reference to the distances, if we look through the perception of the senses will discuss that if we are located somewhere, all the things that surround us exist, and are not imaginary offsets about the reality of things, why we feel them, we smell, see, and other many qualities that enable us to know, the funny thing is that everything that catches our attention, or affects us, seems to be actually existing only by that everything else seems to be a ghost.
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