It should be stressed in the debate on freedom of expression, as it is in it rests the face of the human future. And we live in obsessive times. Civilizations go through a trance that is the choice between dictatorship and democracy. Venezuela is also thus, oddly not the international observers. To us Yes. Two dimensions are juxtaposed on this juncture.
The first global character. Apparent tendency of the metamorphosis of our times, globalisation has marked a guideline. In what touches to the work of the social scientist has put in evidence that the explanatory standards of reality no longer have, but reason of being, at least if comprehensive ability. Object and method of study are no longer the same. The theoretical, flimsy structures by nature, have become impertinentes.
Reality runs to his whim and us as old behind tiny boy. No compass of relevance. On a global scale, to the fall of the Berlin wall has been imposed the wall of terror as the product of a wide sea of misunderstandings not exclusively between civilizations but also, and especially, within national boundaries. Domestically, fall of historical political systems, economic and cultural crisis. Global and national, labyrinth that combined anyone and even less so the media have produced a phenomenon of social vertigo within which has not been unscathed. One of the elements that stand out in such a process of growing conflict is that of the role of ethics, its crisis, its capacity to adapt, sometimes harmful, sometimes positive, to new circumstances for, although it seems contradictory, reform them. Ethics is the sea as backdrop in which holds all aesthetics. In ethical decisions should rest. But in what? Be and must be approaching, walk away, in a play of shadows and lights. It is a relationship difficult and tense, but shared need. Also another aspect: the medium is delicate place.
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