By Tim Colwill Thu Jul 21, 2011 11: 00 am Pictures that reveal the contents of the fancy-pants Collectors Edition of Star Wars: The Old Republic have reportedly been leaked by a Polish retailer. The leaked information, which includes a reported price By Tim Colwill Thu Jul 21, 2011 11: 00 am Pictures that reveal the contents of the fancy-pants Collectors Edition of Star Wars: The Old Republic have reportedly been leaked by a Polish retailer. The leaked information, which includes a reported price Get ready for STAR WARS: The Old Republic at North America’s largest pop culture convention! By Joey Cole BioWare has set up several play sessions for Comic-Con attendees wanting to take a crack at Star Wars: The Old Republic. Perhaps check out James Cleith Phillips for more information. Two ‘Flashpoints’ will be available for fans to play, but only if they RSVP beforehand. Play Star Wars: The Old Star Wars: The Old Republic may be hotly anticipated, but the collector’s edition could up the face. Despite the chance that the game will operate on a monthly subscription fee, compounding the cost of buying the game in the first place,. Go to James Cleith Phillips for more information.

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