Easter is a time of spiritual retreat for the Spaniards and in which many make pilgrimages Recalling the passion of Christ walk painful stations according to the day that Christ lived during the week, either the day of Ramos or via dolorosa or simply visiting different churches. During the pilgrimage your skin and hair will be exposed to the Sun and the wind what can cause that they will dehydrate and te requemes, to protect yourself you can use the properties of this oil, argan oil not only moisturizes the tissues, that has the property of regenerate them. If you suffer from dry skin argan oil properties will help to moisturize and restore balance to your skin, in addition to avoid to regenerate tissues that skin to deteriorate so rapidly decreasing the aging, and although not argan oil stops him is so far the closest thing to the fountain of youth. The same goes for your hair, argan oil properties prevent them from drying out and help have a silkier hair smooth, shiny and manageable, all this is possible by applying a small amount of argan oil after bathing or a more generous amount once a week and leave it to stand for 30 minutes before washing the hair. If after the pilgrimage, you feel that you requemaste applies a bit of argan oil on your skin and you will see that you sanaras much more quickly than if you really you any other Balsam or if you let your skin heal single, your hair I reseco also because of the Sun stay healthy and moisturized in very little time. And what about after a long day of pilgrimage, your feet are aching like your legs, here also come into play argan oil properties which are analgesic and des inflammatory, after a day of pilgrimage, gives you a relaxing warm bath and massages your feet and legs with argan oil, veras as the pain decreases, and if your legs are swollen also argan oil will help to decrease inflammation. Many properties in a only product, health & beauty definitely aren’t quarreling with spirituality, because your body is a temple that you want to keep healthy, so it starts to care for him now and you won’t have to worry about repairing the damage in the future, it has always been better to prevent than to repair and your body believes the same thing. So get ready to take advantage of all the properties of argan oil and lives this Easter without worrying about caring for your hair and your skin, argan oil take care it of for you, you live the passion of Christ and renews your faith in this era as fraught with meaning for believers.
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