if you have chosen institution more seriously, there is also a small amount of money to ask for local musicians play the dedication – a favorite track of your companion. Naturally, if you just had found out about her musical preferences. The main thing – that this initiation does not look like a coincidence, and so musician publicly announced, for whom the track marks. If you do not plan to arrange a romantic at a restaurant, try to arrange a special dinner on the roof of a skyscraper. Of course well, it will require a considerable fraction of your ability to negotiate with the local domoupravstvom, but the better you do it turns out, the less cost-And this idea would require.

Stocks of finished light meals, a bottle of good wine, a set of folding furniture for picnics, and natural candles to make the evening special charm. When you invite a girl, I would recommend her blindfold, and promised her a pleasant surprise. It is true in this case do not forget to take care of that girl in the process of climbing onto the roof is not bumped your head somewhere or not stumbled on the abandoned building inventory. So here in its best form manifest your care and concern that further very useful in the development of dating for marriage. Another, more exotic way to organize a romantic date – with an impromptu dinner in the cradle, which is usually assemblers high-altitude wash skyscrapers. Here you can also use his powers of persuasion, backed by a small investment of money and with the help of new friends to climb to the attic, from which extends a marvelous picture of the lights of the city at night.

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