200 inhabitants of the quarters Infraero, New Union, Center, Paradise, Russian and District of Clevelndia of the North had been consulted, of what he arrived himself at the following result when inferred: 7.1 – how much to the water supply Of the interviewed ones, 100% count on Amazon well for the water supply, exactly those 30% – that he has canalized water, justifying such situation to irregular character of the supplying. In all, 70%, do not have canalized water supply, counting only on the well Amazon 7,2 – how much to the access relative ainformaes the ambient questions Between the interviewed ones, 100% if had said interested in the questions of the Environment. However, only 60% were public target of carried through Educative Campaigns in the city, that in the generality had been of combat the Affection. In any way, the majority, 80% if showed available the voluntary participation in educative campaigns, rank that judge important the envolvement of the community in on actions the Health and to the Environment. Already those that if had located contrary to the voluntariado one, had justified that the City hall can pay for such services.
7.3 – how much the incidence of endemic illnesses in the family malaria and affection how much the domiciliary garbage collection Garbage, affection and malaria is subject of interviewed unamimity enters the 100% of insatisfao. Some families already had had all its integrant ones vitimados by the bite of the mosquitos, concern that has increased with the irregularity in the collect of the domiciliary garbage, that in some cases, was until January of 2009 displayed during 30-45 days waiting the only collecting vehicle that gave this service. 7.4 – how much to the artesanato and the great recycling the interest of the population of Oiapoque for action of qualification in materials you recycle, entretando, we observe that only 20% of the interviewed ones had had some type of qualification, contrasting with the 50% majority that, even so it knows the artesanato not yet participated of no course of learning. In all way, the demands for this type of exploitation of solid residues if concentrate in aluminum cans 50% of the preference, bottles peti- 30% of the options and work with wood 20% of the indications. 7.5 – how much the ambient conservation in areas of public visitation the Oiapoque is a privileged city in its natural scenes, marked for the integration of rivers, waterfalls, rapids bridges, rich in fauna and flora. In a way in general, it is possible to evidence that many beauties continue preserved, in function, mainly, of the relative difficulty of access and distance to some natural areas. Unhappyly, those areas next to the urban concentration already try the consequncias of the strong pressure on the natural resources, presenting garbage concentration, houses raised on rocks, falling of trees of native vegetation, erosion and capture of wild animals.
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