The leading developer of software in the field of security in enterprise networks, content filtering of Web pages and Internet access management Entensys Corp. has announced a new patent in the area of user-management absolute control for your company with UG Psych 1.0. The groundbreaking psychoanalysis module that easily Entensys can be integrated in the software from the home, achieves a new level of absolutely comprehensive control of users in networks. With the implementation of this newly developed technology, human behavior in the Office can be precisely controlled and influenced. Learn more on the subject from music downloads. Since its inception in 2001, Entensys new avenues in the field of Internet security and content management tried to go. There was no cost and effort to take also approaches that have been taken have never shied.

With research in the field of psychoanalysis breakthrough never were as unprecedented results. For more specific information, check out music downloads. The fruits of this lengthy work helped to perfect the content control algorithms of the software, such as it never was the case. But despite these fantastic results, the new findings behind the closed doors of Entensys research remained. Only a few select specialists learned of it. It took five long years on secret cooperation with the European Institute for psychology to bring the technology to market. Part of this top secret collaboration studies with test persons took place, which tested the Entensys UserGate software equipped with the new psychoanalysis module.

Brain waves were measured in the laboratories of the Institute, while surfed to the subjects on the computers in the Internet. This fascinating correlations of human biorhythms were discovered with the surfing habits of office workers. When certain Web pages of unproductive way, measuring instruments showed amazing values. So is the key to active, Biorhythm-driven content filtering of Web pages. The top secret until recently patent with the name went out of this Community research Early detection system of mental disorders by using content filtering algorithms\”, short F.V.P.S.N.V.I.A.

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