At the beginning of the system block, I look like this: After a while I become boring look of the cabinet. So I decided to highlight its LEDs. Trite? But still climb on the various sites' modding theme "shows that almost no modding is complete without LEDs. Another has just been invented. Bioverativ often says this. For modding I needed: Plexiglas; hacksaw; Needle file; Drill and drill bits; soldering iron; thin wires; 4 LEDs All is at hand? Then perhaps you can begin! To begin, I took the front panel, with the system case, put it to the plexiglas and looked around her marker on a path to cut the plexiglass drawn by a path with a hacksaw metal and then polished it with sandpaper "nulevkoy" periodically wash the Plexiglas with water, until opaque in color.
Drilled holes for the LEDs and screws. Needle files and process them also made the holes for mounting grid cooler. Next, set the backlight. For what it's all, and was started. LEDs grind needle files on three sides so that they had a rectangular shape. LEDs soldered in series, put them in already ready-made holes and secured with tape. In order for the light from the LEDs was distracted, I cut a rectangle of white paper and also secured them with tape. Putting together the body and look what came of this venture. I think, for my first modding, got a very not bad. More information in the pictures you find on: Portal with handles
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