Location and climate South Capital of Russia Sochi – Sochi is located at latitude 43 degrees north latitude. Its population – 500 thousand people (in the summer is over a million). The high ridges of the Caucasus in north-east, closing the road cold northeasterly winds and the sea, accumulating heat during the summer months pose special sub-tropical climate of the Greater Sochi. The average temperature in the central region Sochi is 14.3 degrees Celsius, Lazarev – + 13.8 Adler – + 13.5. Air temperatures are the coldest months of January and February close to each other along the coast of Big Sochi, and are 5.9. And only in the mountains (Krasnaya Polyana) in January it drops below zero. For every 100 meters ascent into the mountains the annual average temperature falls to 0.5.

The average temperature in the warmest months of July and August is 23 degrees. On some days the heat is under 40. For comfortable living in these months conditioner will not be superfluous. Average annual rainfall – 1534 mm per year (in Krasnaya Polyana – 1795 mm). Most rain falls during the winter months.

Summer is usually dry. The average annual humidity is 75%. Analysis of statistical data about weather, accumulated in the history of gidrometeonablyudeny shows very slight increase in temperature due to global warming. Over the past 30 years have seen an increase in the number of rainfall per year, more nearly to a monthly rate of May. The close proximity to the Caucasus to Sochi, has some negative aspects.

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