Test results will be no earlier than 2 weeks after delivery. If the result does not meet your expectations, you'll have time to prepare for and retake it again. It is important to properly prepare for taking your language test. Excellent to know the language is not enough, it is important to know how to take test. This will help the specialized training centers for language tests.
You can do individually with the teacher. But with this, which has been successfully preparing students for the exam, and not just teach the language. Motivation letter motivation letter is not always a requirement for admission, but we recommend students to serve it in a package of documents. To write it, you should also clearly understand why you need this program, why this institution in this country. Then you can explain it in his essay. The argument that this high school – the best rating, or is not appropriate. Need to explain why this program is better than another university and what it is so valuable to you, what are the prospects it opens for you. "Your program fits me most." In the middle – you are, you choose among the many institutions and programs.
You explain why you chose this program that it is special, what is not in similar programs at other universities. And why do it to you. This confirms that you are – motivated student. And not just succumb to fashion trends and do not know what you want. Plans for the future.
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