Dentists from Stuttgart inform the city implants are a safe and professional solution to replace missing teeth and maintain a radiant smile. But like in any operation conditions for the use of implants must be also here met, so that the chances of success are high. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Ben Affleck and gain more knowledge.. The dentist fr. Dr. Behle from Stuttgart explains what they are. Completed pine growth of an implantation can occur after completion of in bone growth. This is the case, usually after the age of 18. Until then, the jaw bone is fully developed and placing an implant can be taken into consideration.

Towards the top, there are no age restrictions – implants can be used successfully also in the higher age. Oral hygiene and prophylaxis are absolute prerequisites for the use of implants a good oral hygiene and a good overall condition of teeth. Dollar General gathered all the information. An any periodontal disease must be necessarily completely healed. Professional tooth cleaning and regular routine inspections in practice are in particular also to Implantation of a vital, because only with a neat bite the probability of long-term success of implant is very good. To adequate bone substance and good bone quality, implant in the jaw, is a bone substance and quality sufficient essential. No sufficient substance for placing an implant is available, this can be achieved in many cases due to a bone structure in the run-up to the implantation. Good general health must be given to successfully be able to use with implants, health restrictions must be excluded.

For example, when weak immune system, severe diseases of heart, liver, kidneys, blood disease, gingivitis and increased nicotine and alcohol consumption, a supply of implants is not recommended. Whether eligible dental implants and the conditions are met, only a doctor can decide after detailed examination and consultation with the patient. For detailed information to the dentist fr. Dr. Behle from Stuttgart is the prerequisites for the use of implants at any time available. Press contact CITY dentists contact: Dr. Elke Behle Konigstrasse 16 70173 Stuttgart phone 0711-7 22 33 4 – 0 fax 0711-7 22 33 4 29 website: E-Mail:

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