The characteristics of this scale are the following: Scale is one that operates constructo of labor satisfaction, reflecting the experience of the workers of a remunerated use. It picks up the affective answer to the content of the own work. The scale is placed in the line of those who establishes a dichotomy of factors and is designed to approach so much the intrinsic aspects as the extrinsic ones of the conditions of work. It is formed by two subscales: Subescala of intrinsic factors: it approaches aspects like the recognition obtained by the work, responsibility, promotion, aspects regarding the content of the task, etc. This scale is formed by seven items (numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14). Subescala of extrinsic factors: it investigates on the satisfaction of the worker with aspects regarding the organization of the work like the schedule, the remuneration, the physical training conditionses of work, etc. This scale constitutes eight items (numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15). Sample of work Our sample of work was in all the Departments of the UEBMM, Granma, was realised a descriptive study, of cross section.
Using the simple random sampling where the General Scale of described Satisfaction was applied to them previously. The total of workers of the UEBMM is of 128 for which a total of 92 people was survey, without considering the workers who were in period of test not counting these with solid information on the culture of the company. Analysis of the results In the procedure of this technique we obtained that the general satisfaction of the workers occupies the category of Moderately satisfied with a 71,4%, where the Intrinsic Satisfaction has 64,8% and Extrinsic satisfaction a 78%. In the table we will show as the satisfaction in the areas of the UEBMM behaved. Satisf areas. General Satisf. Intrinsic Satisf.
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