Fashion for the construction of houses in the suburbs appeared not so long ago. Therefore, people often choose to project their future housing fit, with no idea of what the complexity and limitations exist for construction of buildings. Many people light up the idea of building suburban property, he heard something from friends or reading a specialized magazine. Assume that the person has already decided the direction and the area construction, and he already has a plot. What should I consider when choosing a home project and what are the dangers? Let us try to figure it out. When you meet a soul mate, which tie the knot, then you have not there is the thought of what will happen after the divorce. Doing so as most want to own property outside of Moscow. It is not necessary to follow their example.

For individual home construction on own design possible problems, which will not be ordering the project specialists. First and foremost, you need to address the need to consider the social structure that will surround you, or those who will buy your house. Very difficult to sell a house built on an expensive project if the surrounding neighbors correspond to economy class. But the problem is not the worst. It is much harder to do when the project does not take into account the climatic features and differences in soil structure.

It happens that the man saw a draft of a cottage in the magazine, asked to build just that. However, he does not know what this project is intended for southern regions. Well, if the inconsistency is detected to start the construction of the house. Because the house in the suburbs must have the clutch in two and a half brick, or thermal efficiency of the building will be insufficient for normal heating. Fix the bug is still not possible because of that. That the foundation for homes with thick walls and a half brick can not withstand the additional load, so the completion of the walls will not be possible. Heed well as to fulfill the requirements to a certain height ceilings, a sufficient number of toilets, which shall be not less than one per floor and an additional bathroom for each bedroom. Another drawback of the construction of cottages on individual projects are failures in design and choosing the style of future building. How would you not like the house in high-tech or house. Built on the 'sandwich' techniques, such options will not be in demand. When building a house on his own project is not forget about the correct and complete execution of all documents. First, get a certificate certifying your ownership of the land. In the future creates a conceptual design of the cottage, and given ruling head of the district. This ruling, together with the sketch project provide the basis for obtaining a building permit. We hope that the advice that was given in the article will not cause failure of their desires, and only help to avoid unnecessary problems.

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