Hence, many leaders have registered in courses of management of the public economy and market analysis activity, although in many cases they do not recognize it publicly because there is a belief that the policy is reached formed, as points out some specialist. As always, there are exceptions, and politicians such as President of the Congress, Jose Bono, Secretary of State for the EU, Diego Lopez Garrido, the Foreign Affairs spokesman of the PP, Gustavo de Aristegui, or the former Secretary of Estado de Seguridad Ignacio Astarloa have gone to centers for further education. Doctor in sociology and Professor at the escuela de negocios IESE, Jose Ramon Pin Arboledas, like other of his colleagues, maintains that we must educate the political class that should never leave to study and train to cope in their charges. Without university studies most of the politicians have studied a college degree, they have done so in a public Center and more filed degree is that of law, specialty they chose, for example, the President of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the leader of the PP Mariano Rajoy, or the Mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon. Although choose right or opting for a career in science, as the candidate of the PSOE did to the Presidency of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, it is not crucial to carry out the policy, even having a Bachelor’s degree. Therefore, the Coordinator of the youth of Izquierda Unida, Ester Lopez Barcelo, maintains that there are excellent politicians without College, as the general coordinator of its formation, Cayo Lara, with general studies and was a farmer. Experts are to assess the formation of a politician having to take into account its social trajectory, and that activities such as delegate of course in college or even lead a party in hiding can be decisive in assessing it. Anyway, it has increased the number of graduates within the political formations, in which, according to experts, around 70% of children under 31 years of account with career and approximately 30% have had academic experiences abroad.
A situation similar to that of the rest of society, as stresses the Professor of Economics Jose Garcia-Montalvo, from the 1970s to the present day has seen increasing approximately 12% the number of University students. Without work experience many politicians do not have experience outside the parties, since when they conclude their studies they are added to the ranks of these organizations. Experts disagree on this point, and while some consider it as something positive, most think that it is negative. This last opinion participates Lopez Barcelo, who for work activity focused exclusively on party It keeps politicians in society. Why it continues, some political formations kept the commitment that its members could not remain indefinitely in their charges and resume their professions. In any case, when it comes to the truth parties do not often take into account the experience in one or another field and when arrive to power elect leaders – Ministers, counselors, etc.-more for their loyalty to the political force that represent that by their professional merit in the area you are going to manage, recall experts. Source of the news: Spanish politicians: without language, without work experience and away from new technologies
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