Sponsor vehicle passed held afternoon the official delivery of the new vehicle at the Tennis Academy of Lars Noll at the Tennis Club Green Weis in worms-Pfiffligheim worms Tennis Academy on Saturday the 05.03.2011. Twenty-seven companies have involved to provide a new vehicle. During sparkling wine reception to the transfer Act, Mr. Noll thanked on behalf of the Tennis Academy and of the Association at the present sponsors. In the followed by photo-op could have photographed the sponsors on the vehicle in addition to their advertising. Twenty-seven companies from worms and the immediate surroundings, which also service the BIV is allowed for the cost-free provision of this vehicle to the Academy.
In turn, any company with a promotional label on this vehicle is represented. In addition, two plaques with the names of the sponsors were attached on the Club grounds. German Krusitzki the BIV service says: this was only the beginning. Through our charity-energy project we can associations, kindergartens and other non-profit Donations help institutions. The motto of the BIV service is: save money, spare the environment and help others! This project is a win-win affair for all. Because the donors themselves, save money on running costs companies as well as individuals, and the donation recipients can enjoy free additional funds.” Your contact: BIV service Mr German Krusitzki Hauptstrasse 74 67259 Grossniedesheim Tel. 06239-920111 E-Mail: Internet:
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