On the contrary, the users of the finders usually place more descriptive phrases such as " socks of winter for diabticos" or " socks great statures for diabticos" , etc. 6) To insert connections to other product pages: the crossed visit To majors pages seen in one it tends virtual, greater the possibility of generating sales. A product card page also can be the page that recommends the sale of another similar product. The great vestibules of e-commerce tend to place connections at the end of the description of a certain product. These connections usually are " the 10 products more sold of this categora" , " who they have bought this product also has bought this otro" , " other products similares" , etc. Besides being an excellent tool to generate more pages seen is an additional factor that they take the finders to index a page Web. As it were mentioned previously, robots of the finders sails from a page to another one through text connections, reason why placing links towards other product pages we are making sure a greater indexabilidad of the product portfolio site. 7) Creating community through contents To greater amount of contents, major visibility in the finders for an additional extension of key words.

The decision of purchase of a product can be closed with the inclusion of additional contents that reduce the uncertainty of purchase brought about by the insufficient information of the product. What can differentiate the information that we found of a product in a traditional physical store and a virtual store? The advice and opinions of people who already have bought the product. To place for example, advice on how a certain product is bought, advice to use a product, a forum of opinions on products, a product ranking created from the votes of the buyers, etc., are contained that are creating bows between the visitor and the virtual store. How many people before buying a product look for information. If you wish to buy a televising flat screen not it would like that before somebody said to him with luxury of details which is the difference between the Plasma televisions and the televisions of LCD? Taking note from the changes These suggestions that appear in the article are product of measured practical cases in different vestibules from e-commerce, which suggests before applying these changes to us we must have a form to measure the effects of the same. To have a good system of traffic statistics Web at the hand little by little to measure the improvements in our virtual store will be the control panel that will warn to us that the things go by good way. Article written by Javier Gosende, person in charge of positioning in finders stops Human Level Original author and source of the article

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