About 20 years ago at a university in the United States conducted a poll: "Do you set goals and write down whether you have them?" * 90% said they did not set themselves goals, but just want to finish their studies and relax. * 7% said that they have a purpose, but not write them down. * 3% had a goal and recorded them. Ten years later, 7%, which sets goals, but did not record them received 2 times more than the 90% who did not set goals. The most interesting that those 3% who had a goal and recorded them received a 10 times more than the people of the two groups in total.

I think it will force you to plan goals and write them down. Keep a notebook that you write down everything that you would think. Just want to recommend you to plan objectives for the year forward. Yes! For the sake of some of them you need to povkadyvat. Yes! Some of them may not come true. However, the part can be done without some effort. The more goals you write, the more goals you have realized, but that does not implemented is not so important to you. For planning, I advise you to use Mindjet MindManager or XMind.

This is the best software for time planning, which have very many opportunities. You can use them free of charge 30 days. Themselves programs are quite expensive (about $ 300 worth Mindjet MindManager). Download these programs, more likely to be on RuTrekere or Pirate Bay. Plan your time and you will succeed.

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